There is a registration fee of $15 per student or $25 per family. This fee is due upon registration to hold placement in specified class.

30 minutes                                           $50 per month
45minutes                                            $54 per month
1 hour                                                   $58 per month
1 hour 15 minutes                              $62 per month
1 hour 30 minutes                              $66 per month
Adult                                                     $62 per month or $25 with an enrolled dancer
Beginner Hip Hop*                             $15 per month*
Beginner Acro*                                   $15 per month*

*Dancer’s must be registered in the appropriate grade level class before registering for an elective class. Elective classes are an additional class and not a core class that can be registered for by itself. Please contact the studio for appropriate level when registering.

Tuition Fees are broken down into 9 equal monthly payments September through May, with the addition of a half payment for the month of June. All tuition payments are due the first day of each month (ex. October 1st, November 1st and December 1st).

All accounts are required to be enrolled in our Auto-Pay system for all tuition fees. Tuition will be charged to your card on file on the first day of each month. AutoPay is a set transaction dollar amount that is designated at time of enrollment and cannot be altered in anyway. AutoPay will be used for TUITION FEES ONLY. Other items such as costume fees, shoes, apparel, etc. CANNOT be paid for through AutoPay and must be paid by cash/check in the studio OR by a manual credit card transaction through your parent portal.

Payments not received by the first day of the month will incur a $20 late fee. Additional late fees will be accessed to the balance of your account for every 30 days past due. If monthly payments are not met, Studio 55 Dance reserves the right to withhold services until payment is made.

A $30.00 returned check fee will be charged for each check that is returned by the bank for non-payment.

Refunds are not available for missed classes once the student has been enrolled at Studio 55 Dance. There is NO refund on registration fees, monthly tuition, or costume fees for any reason. Tuition Fees are broken down into 9 equal monthly payments September through May, with the addition of a half payment for the month of June. All tuition payments are due the first day of each month (ex. October 1st, November 1st and December 1st).

All families will be required to register a DanceSudio-Pro account. Invoicing, account balances, class registration, and online payments plus much more will be available through the Parent Portal.  All Monthly Newsletters will be sent via email, so make sure we have your current e-mail address to receive these announcements.

Please “LIKE” us on Facebook. The studio page is constantly being updated, with pictures, class cancelations, and important reminders.

Good attendance is very important, not only to each individual, but to the entire class. Please notify the studio in advance if your child must miss class. Missed lessons can and should be made in the class of the same age. Please call the studio to schedule a make-up time.

Students should arrive to class ON TIME, dressed in the proper attire and ready to dance.
Girls- Leotards worn with tights are preferred. Tank top, t-shirts, shorts and leggings are also acceptable. Tight fitting clothing is needed to enable instructors to see bodylines for correct body placement; NO baggy clothing.
*Hair must be pulled back and away from the face.*
        -Creative Movement dancers are required to wear pink ballet shoes.
        -Preschool aged dancers are required to wear pink ballet and tan tap shoes.  
        -Kindergarten-2nd grade dancers will need pink ballet, tan tap, and tan jazz shoes. 
        -3rd-12th grade dancers will need tan tap, tan jazz, and nude lyrical shoes.
Boys- Sweat pants, shorts, t-shirts, and tanks are acceptable for all boys.  
       -Boys in Creative Movement should have black ballet or black jazz shoes.
       -Boys in combo classes are required to wear black jazz shoes and black tap shoes.
Please ensure that your dancer has the correct shoes for all styles of dance they will perform. All shoes can be ordered through Studio 55 Dance.

Please remind your dancer to use the bathroom before class. It is a huge distraction for the entire class when dancers are leaving during instruction time.

Any dancer needing assistance with the bathroom(leotard/tight removal, hand washing, etc.) must have a parent present in the lobby to help their dancer if need be. 

You may send a bottle of WATER with for your dancer. Dancers will be allowed to get a drink only when shoes changes are taking place.

All dancers will participate in a fully costumed and lighted production showcasing the year’s accomplishments. The annual Recital will be held at a local auditorium and is tentatively scheduled for June 7th-8th 2025, an exact date and time will be given at a later date. Dancers will also need to attend a full dress rehearsal to prepare for the recital. All students are required to attend the rehearsal in order to perform in the recital. Students must have all account fees paid in full in order to participate in the recital. 

Pictures will be taken of your child during April or May. It is mandatory for all dancers to attend this event, as the pictures will be used in the recital program. You are not required to purchase any pictures. More details will be available at a later date. Students must have all account fees paid in full before pictures will be distributed.

Dancers perform in the recital with costumes tailored to their dance and music. All costume fees include the complete costume, tights, and accessories. Costume fees are due no later than November 21, 2024 and payments received after that date shall incur a $20.00 late fee. Additional late fees will be accessed to your account for every 30 days past due. Students must have all account fees paid in full before costumes will be distributed.

Creative Movement- 1 costume- $75.00
Preschool- 2 costumes- $150.00
K-5th combo classes- 3 costumes- $210.00
6th-12th combo classes- 3 costumes- $225.00
Beginner Hip Hop and Beginner Acro- 1 costume- $75.00

Several fundraising options will be available to all dancers. The purpose of fundraising is to help defray costs such as tuition and costume fees. Participation in all fundraising opportunities is completely optional. Profits earned will be credited towards each dancers individual account. All profits earned have a no cash value and cannot be withdrawn from a dancers account. Profits can be used towards a dancers monthly tuition, costume fees, competition fees, studio apparel, recital tickets, summer class fees, or carried over to the 2025-2026 dance season.

Halloween- Students will celebrate Halloween with a party during their regular class time. They may dress up in a costume and bring treats to share with their class.

Christmas- We will also have a Christmas party during your child's regular class time. Dancers are asked to bring a wrapped gift of $5 or under to play a game with. You may also bring a treat to share with the entire class.

Birthdays- Dancer's are welcome to bring a treat to class to celebrate their birthday with their classmates.  

Please consult your monthly newsletters for more information about these parties. These will be the only Holiday's celebrated with a party at the studio.

Studio 55 Dance will cancel classes if the Rockford Area School District is cancelled, dismissed early, or evening activities are cancelled due to poor weather. On days that school is not in session, Studio 55 Dance will make the decision whether to cancel/continue classes by 3:00pm. All class cancellations will be announced on our social media pages as well as sent via email.

First day of classes- September 9th
​MEA- October 16th-20th - CLOSED
Thanksgiving- November 27th-Dec 1st - CLOSED
Christmas/New Years- December 21st-January 3rd - CLOSED
Spring Break- March 22nd-March 30th - CLOSED
​Memorial Day- May 26th - CLOSED
Recital- June 7th-8th - (TENTATIVE)